Hi Battle Buddies
Our next epic scenario game takes us back to the Jungles of Vietnam.
The Ho Chi Minh Trail was a strategic supply route for the war efforts of the Viet Cong
The route sent weapons, manpower, ammunition and other supplies from North Vietnam to South Vietnam.
The Americans aware of this enemy route needed to target all there efforts in disrupting its effectiveness.
U.S. Air Force jets struck easy targets allow the Ho Chi Minh Trail, but the trail included a network of trails, footpaths and roadways.
This meant ground troops had to be used in these densely jungle packed footpaths.
Will the Americans be able over came the perils of trip wire traps and the battle hardened Viet Cong.
Will the Viet Cong be able to repel the American forces and keep there supply line open.
Be part of the action – Sunday, 13 February 2021
Field Fee – R150 (own gear players)
Choose your faction American or Viet Cong
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